Aravind Kejriwal recently directed the health officials in Delhi to develop a hospital management system of global standards. While hospital management systems have been in use for a while, there are currently no rules or regulations that lay down the standards for them in India. In the US electronic health records are regulated by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA Act). 

In India, even though only the IT Act of 2000 applies for electronic health records, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare have recognized the need for electronic health records and periodically issues standards for them, for the purpose of promoting interoperability, technical innovation, participation by vendors and other stakeholders, and to support the evolution and timely maintenance of adopted standards. 

Besides these guidelines, some other key features also play a key role in making a hospital management system best suited for the Indian healthcare sector. Let’s see what the specific requirements for a hospital management system in India are. 

Aadhar as an identifying document. 

According to the recommendations by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the electronic health record of a patient must have the provision to include the UIDAI Aadhar number as the preferred identifier. In case Aadhar information is unavailable, the ministry recommends the use of a local identifier (as per the scheme of the healthcare service provider) and a photo ID issued by the Central or State government. The system should have a provision to accept a minimum of two IDs when an Aadhar ID is not available. In the case of unidentified patients, a local identifier may be used and confirmed identifiers inserted later when available. The government recently opened doors for integrating Aadhar with any software, but the software needs to meet certain criteria. While the recommendations are not implemented on a mandatory basis, it may become so in the future and therefore it is better to get software that follows them.

Support for GST

The Government of India recently passed the Goods and Services Act(GST) and many healthcare services come under its ambit. One of the important and commonly used aspects of hospital management software is billing. There is software that carries out the sole purpose of billing, while most hospital database management systems come integrated with it. With the implementation of GST, along with other service providers, healthcare providers such as hospitals and clinics are required to comply with the norms of GST. So it is important that hospital management software is able to handle the billing according to GST norms, and integrated with GST filing software. 

NABH accreditation

Formed in 2005, the National Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers is part of the Quality Council of India and is the principal accreditation for hospitals in India. NABH accreditation is becoming more and more important with the rise in medical tourism and patient awareness about their rights. Unlike ISO certification, NABH accreditation is specific to the healthcare industry and focuses on competency in terms of staff, equipment, premises, etc. For NABH accreditation of a hospital, the information management system of the hospital should meet the necessary criteria. This includes that the records of every patient are complete and accurate. It is necessary that the policy measures are in place to ensure data integrity, confidentiality and security.  A hospital management system plays a crucial role in this. An HMS that can safely manage the patient data in a safe and secure manner, and keep it updated in a timely manner can make this process much easier. The HMS must assure data redundancy and integrity and should be secure against data loss or theft, for the hospital to easily achieve NABH accreditation. The HMS system must be capable of generating the data points that must be submitted for NABH accreditation. 

Sending info to local government

Hospitals have to send certain information, such as birth rates and death rates, to the government periodically. This is required for keeping track of the population and related statistics. Sometimes during a disease outbreak, government health officials will need accurate data regarding the affected individuals to tackle the issue effectively. One of the primary functions of a hospital management system is the effective management of data. It should be capable of storing, retrieving and updating the information easily. With a system that can easily sort through the relevant data, the required data can be collected and sent to health officials easily and in a timely manner. Without an effective system, the hospital staff will have to manually go through a mountain of data, wasting time and resources. 

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Hospital Management System has been used for decades. Most of the hospitals in India use HMS, but they face particular challenges in implementing it. Among them, technical and human challenges are the complicated factors while implementing HMS.

How can you face the challenges while implementing HMS?

The HMS system helps to manage every piece of information about the patients, like their personal data, comprehensive medical data, and previous medical histories, along with their diagnoses, treatments, investigations, and other medical decisions. Apart from that, HMS helps improve safety and quality and is one of the most affordable options available in the healthcare industry.

Despite their benefits, the healthcare industry faces many challenges. Implementation of HMS still fails in some hospitals due to barriers.

A few Challenging problems that you face while implementing HMS

Human Challenges

While considering human factors include

  • Awareness of HMS's advantages & importance.
  • In general, Experience and knowledge of using computer applications.
  • Impressions and Beliefs regarding HMS and making use of them efficiently.

The researchers in a study have identified three main human challenges that are a barrier to adopting the HMS in healthcare industries.

  • There is a shortage of professional healthcare faculty with in-depth knowledge of HMS and other similar technologies.
  • Poor acceptance of HMS Software.
  • Lack of health informatics professionals capable of establishing and implementing the techniques.

Another few significant problems for unsuccessful HMS implementation include.

  • Healthcare specialists nature,
  • the lack of time allowed for training and learning on making use of the HMS,
  • the lack of healthcare professional support, motivation, and more.

Many studies illustrate that HMS requires more effort, time, and work. There are high chance of HMS slowing down and causing a decrease in productivity.

Technical Challenges:

Other technical challenges that fail the implementation of HMS in the healthcare industry include:
  • Networks and computers have different maintenance problems.
  • Lack of standards for Data entry and retrieval.
  • Difficulties in training users technically to use HMS.

A few tips to overcome Human Challenges

Proceed below to check out a few things you can follow to overcome the human challenges that make HMS implementation tough.

All Medical education programs should include the significance of Hospital management system, its applications, and its advantages. One can improve the awareness of the advantages and benefits of using the HMS with a focused multi-phase approach on any topic. The system can be used from the starting level of healthcare industry schools, and colleges, then with the undergraduate degree, and through various aspects of postgraduate medical education.

Formal training while taking various levels of medical practice and education can improve the knowledge in using a Hospital management system correctly. Many types of research suggest HMS training and teaching needs to be developed and implemented as a subject or course of the postgraduate and undergraduate medical education programs.

Every health information management should include subjects of HMS short courses for medical education programs and healthcare professionals. These programs should be initiated by the health ministry and its formal channels for every healthcare specialist at any healthcare organization and hospital. Apart from that, developing and enhancing self-taught computer science courses in nursing education, medical schools, and postgraduate training is also essential.

It's a good idea to develop both postgraduate and undergraduate specialized programs in Health Information Management, Health Informatics, and Health Information Technology, which increases the number of health informatics specialists and technicians.

Overcoming the negative impressions of HMS's new and experienced staff can be neglected by developing HMS training programs and in-house hospital orientation programs.

You can make the healthcare professional participate and be involved in various stages of system implementation, development, and deployment to improve the healthcare specialists' support.

You can offer the healthcare professional overtime payment, direct and indirect incentives, rewards, bonuses, and more for the hospital departments and sections that implement HMS successfully in a healthcare organization.

Offering healthcare professionals enough time is convenient and suitable for them to learn and train on HMS.

Another good idea is to conduct different exciting training programs for healthcare professionals so that they know about HMS implementation in depth and gain a better understanding.

Here are a few tips to overcome the Technical Challenges

You need to ensure that the HMS commercial providers and vendors are offering the proper user manuals, documentation, troubleshooting, and guidelines for using HMS to the hospitals properly.

Ensuring the working conditions of computers and networks is critical for the software to work better and have fewer maintenance problems. Technical support and hardware maintenance are also significant.

You are upgrading your old communication networks and computers to new ones for enhanced performance.

Make sure you perform every analysis required in depth before the start of the design phase and the implementation phase.

Implementing newer innovations in both hardware and software is required to overcome data entry difficulties.

While considering the software innovations, the system needs to be designed to support structured data entry instead of unstructured one. In the case of hardware innovations, implementing hand-held devices, touch screens, and tablet PCs helps minimize the gap between the recording and data acquisition process and leads to easier accessibility.

Eliminating health information technology and management staff overload can be done by outsourcing a few electronic processing tasks, namely medical transcription of dictating the voice files.

Make sure about the system interface design, and check whether they are understandable and user-friendly.

Data standards usage is one of the crucial steps for source accuracy, quality, reliability, and validation of system data.

Make sure you increase the computer terminal numbers at the point of care.

The above tips will help you eliminate all challenges while implementing your Hospital information management system. Any queries or other information regarding the topics are welcome in the comments section.

Challenges while implementing ...

 Hospital Management System has been use.....  Read more

When compared to other industries, the healthcare sector is improving, with the help of advanced technologies like the Hospital Management System (HMS). The current medical care computerization is being hampered due to a lack of a perfect interface between computers and medical care providers.

The two main issues that are commonly faced during implementation of an HMS are as follows

1. HMS implementation begins but the users start facing issues by the end

This is generally due to the inflexibility of the HMS software, a weak administrative will, and an inexperienced team for implementation.

2. HMS implementation gets completed, but only a single part of the functionality gets implemented

This is due to non-user-friendly software or unplanned and unconfigured executions.

Pre-Implementation Assessment:

All hospital administrators who implement the HMS software in their hospitals will be apprehensive that the process may end in a partial or complete failure and measures should be taken early in order to prevent such an event from happening. The software should be well assessed before being purchased by the hospital.

Software Assessment:

Choosing the right kind of software is one of the crucial and primary steps for getting the best results.

Earlier, all HMS Software had a single development cycle starting with a single hospital being computerized by a local developer for a single hospital. However, this type of HMS development is outdated. In such cases, there is a risk of the vendor providing software that was customized for a different hospital. Implementing them may cause various issues, and it may cost more in the long run. It's better to purchase the software from a firm, that specializes in hospital management software than getting any software company to design software for your hospital.

It's better to choose software that is easy to upgrade, scalable, and not hardware intensive. Cloud-based online software is better than offline software in these aspects. The providers could also easily fix any errors or bugs in the case of online software.

Another aspect to be considered is to check if the customization of the software is done primarily through programming code or by using master tables during implementation. Hospitals may require some form of alteration to the purchased software, so as to better suit their needs, and in the case of master tables, such changes may easily be made by the hospital itself. In the case of online software, this may not matter much, as maintenance and support are provided by the software provider.

Vendor Assessment:

Only a few vendors of international or national repute can be trusted easily. A drawback with a large vendor is that they don’t always accommodate the requirements of small hospitals. In the case of small vendors, the hospital administrators may have to do thorough research to see if they are trustworthy.

An important aspect to be known is whether the current implementation team will be available during the entire implementation cycle. Checking the attrition rate of the software company, and discussions with other hospital administrators may give you an idea about this.

Visits to Hospitals with Hospital Management Systems:

A well-planned visit to hospitals where the software has been implemented will give you insights on the performance of the software, the support provided by the vendor, and if the vendor has achieved all the goals that were initially planned. To get a good picture, it's better to visit hospitals like your own, in terms of capacity, number of specialties, and number of departments, as well as hospitals that have implemented the software that you are considering. This will give you an idea, not only about the trustworthiness of the vendor but also about how well the software will be suited to your hospital.

Discussions with hospital administrators who have previously implemented the software in their hospitals will also give you good insights on the possible difficulties you may face during the implementation process, and on how to overcome them.

Getting your Hospital ready:

Problems may arise in HMS implementation, due to issues within the hospital. The lack of a systematic and uniform workflow within all the departments in the hospital may make the implementation process difficult. Information regarding the various equipment used, tests performed, schedules of doctors in different departments, etc must be readily available so that it can easily be imported into the system.

An important aspect is the cooperation of the various end-users, that is, the hospital employees. They have to provide enough awareness of the usefulness and importance of implementing the HMS software. The implementation may put additional stress on the employees until they get used to the system, and this may hamper the efforts of the hospital administration.

HMS implementation begins with a pre-implementation phase, in which software is chosen and the hospital prepares for the change, followed by the implementation phase and the post-implementation phase, in which the final kinks are ironed out. The whole process could be made smooth with a thorough pre-implementation phase.

Choosing software that is well suited to your hospital, having clearly defined workflows, and complete information about the working of the hospital will help you to easily implement the HMS in your hospital. Having a good team, and ensuring the cooperation of the hospital employees would help the hospital achieve its goals with the HMS.

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HMS covers three aspects of managing the hospital; they are Operational, Financial, and Clinical Aspects. If you look at the Doctor Management System, most of the software covers only operational and financial aspects like billing, inventory management, patient registration, scheduling, and workflow management. When evaluating HMS software, hospitals give much importance to operational and financial aspects and less importance to clinical records.

This blog discusses the importance of focusing on clinical records, otherwise known as Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in HMS.

What is EMR?

EMR is called Electronic Medical Records (EMR), which include information regarding the patient's medical history and treatment as discrete medical practices possess them.

When considering individual patients, the EMR will include information like patient contact information (emergency contact), physician orders, allergies, insurance, and other billing information, surgical notes on various medical progress, prescriptions, vitals like weight, height, body temperature, BMI (Body Mass Index), etc., release information forms, medical facility appointments on past and future, treatment plans and Discharge summaries, etc. 

EMR constitutes different characteristics considering the medical practices, which include their functioning system to all other medical care procedures.

Apart from the benefits of the software platform, the Electronic Medical Record Systems also provides much other prominent information for care.

Coordination procedures connecting reception information and transfer departments, the software, personal use rules of the organizations, training, and education established plans are some of the well-established components of the Electronic Medical Record System.  

Benefits of EMR for the Medical Practice

Below are some of the advantages of Electronic Medical Records to Medical Practices.

  • Capable of quickly transferring patient information from one department to the other.
  • The digital record environment helps to save much space.
  • Through EMR, you can quickly enhance the number of patients for improved productivity and workflow of the patients daily.
  • Medical practice with reduced errors leads to a vast improvement in patient care and result management.
  • The operational cost is much reduced with EMR, especially for expenses made for overtime labor and transcription services.
  • With EMR, electronic medical records can be customized and are scalable.
  • The capability of providing advanced clinical documentation and e-prescribing. 
  • The efficient and accurate process of billing with their advanced healthcare practices.

What Benefits does EMR provide for the Patients?

  • Improvement in Patient Treatment and other Diagnoses of diseases.

  • Rapid decision-making responses and patient care from different medical professionals assigned to individual patients. No chances for significant errors in a patient health record.

What are the Essential Core Capabilities of the EHR?

The Electronic Medical System indulges seven different core capabilities, namely.

Health Information and Data:

With EHR, you can quickly access essential information about the patients, their allergies, diagnosis of their diseases, medications, lab test results, etc., which provides a clear idea for the custodian or minder to decide on the treatments promptly.

Result Management:

People who take care of the patients are provided with multiple settings regarding patient care. This will undoubtedly improve the effectiveness of the care and safety of the patients reliably through quick access to past and new test results.

Decision Support:

The computerized EMR system makes use of Prompts, reminders, and alerts for various benefits like providing complementary clinical practices with improved compliances, possibilities of regular screenings, and capability of taking other vital methods, natural treatment, and diagnosis and also helps to identify the possible interaction of the drugs, etc. precisely.

Electronic Connectivity and Communication:

Improved care continuity, enhanced timeliness of the treatment and diagnosis of diseases, reduced events frequency, etc., are some of the critical benefits of the Electronic Medical System for secure, efficient, and accessible communication between patients and providers.

Patient Support:

The various tools provided for the patients, like easy access to their health records anytime, interactive health table and patient education, self-testing and home monitor methods, etc., help to keep their diabetes and other chronic diseases under control.


Electronic Medical System has plenty of advantages indulged in the HMS. One of the critical reasons 90% of clinicians choose EHR is their reduced human errors.

As a whole, EHR security needs a fine tune in case of the substance abuse records and terms of the behavioral actions. By doing so, they can calculate the patient's body conditions efficiently. E.g., if nurses and physicians have every minute detail regarding their patient's history at their fingertips, there might be no massive chances for critical care and emergency treatment.

The detailed history of the patients will help in finding a new healthcare provider through the patient's current health state and the medical record. They also support exchanging patient information with healthcare facilities if the patients have not requested them.


Electronic medical record (EMR) is not a standalone system. Instead, it is a complete ecosystem with several integrations, making it a holistic solution for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, care, and management of medical conditions.

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With advancements in AI, digital assistants are becoming more and more capable. What started as an advanced voice-based search device, has now become capable of helping us manage our daily schedules, book appointments, make reservations, play songs, and it may one day act as a complete assistant to all of us. They were first seen in smartphones, in the form of Siri in iPhones and Google Assistant in android devices and now they’re coming in the form of standalone devices such as Amazon’s Echo, Google Home devices and Apple’s Homepod.

Digital assistants, like in every other aspect of our life, have a huge potential in revolutionizing healthcare by assisting hospitals, doctors and other paramedical staff in record-keeping, managing their appointments, and help in taking better care of the patients in an efficient manner. Artificial intelligence is assisting doctors in making better diagnoses, and advanced robotics technology is making surgeries more precise. Digital assistants may one day be as ubiquitous as a stethoscope in a hospital as they become more automated. Recently some hospitals in USA introduced Alexa skills, with which patients can book appointments and manage prescriptions.

Digital assistants for patients

People are becoming more and more dependant on their digital assistants on their phones. Recent stats show that by 2020, 50% of all searches would be done by voice search and 30% of all searches would be done without screens. This number is bound to increase with the increasing number of smart home speakers and increasing capabilities of digital assistants.

With the integration of digital assistants to the hospital management system, patients would be able to book an appointment with a doctor, just by talking to their digital assistants. Patients would be able to upload their health parameters such as blood sugar, blood pressure levels on a daily basis if their health conditions require it without having to visit the hospital or filling complex forms. This would enable their doctors to provide more accurate and reliable advice for their patients. They can also get the results of their lab tests without having to visit the hospital or lab. With advanced hospital management systems, patients can currently receive their test results in a PDF form, but as digital assistants become more ubiquitous, they would prefer asking their smart devices, instead of looking at their screens.

Digital assistants would also be able to assist in providing first aid with real-time advice from doctors and summon qualified medics in case of an emergency. There are unconfirmed reports of cops being called using amazon Alexa in case of domestic violence, and this shows the potential for digital assistants being helpful in case of a medical emergency.

How doctors can make use of digital assistants

Doctors are required to maintain clear records of their patient’s history. Clear and accurate records help to provide accurate treatment when the patient has any medical issues in the future. Doctors usually have to rely on shorthands, or transcriptions to make accurate records in the short time they have, and there is a chance that they may forget to add minute details when the records are made at a later date. This has been reduced to a large extent by the use of electronic health records, which are often made as easily filled templates, but with the use of digital assistants, doctors can simply dictate the health condition of the patient, and with the use of smart prompts, they can be sure that they didn’t miss any info.

Smart assistants also have the potential to help doctors better manage their appointments and schedules. Doctors can easily get the complete details of their appointments, the timings, and the schedule simply by asking their digital assistant.

Digital assistants for hospital administration

Hospital management system have made it easy for hospital administrators to get accurate real-time information about the status of their hospitals, and manage it efficiently by making better use of their resources. But this also means they have to check their screens much more often, and this can become tiring on a daily basis.

With the use of a digital assistant, hospital admins can get quick reports of their hospitals, such as daily revenue, the total number of appointments, expenses incurred, and also about the stock of essential pieces of equipment, disposables, and medicines.

Alerts for emergency situations, such as when adequate doctors or paramedics are not available, or when essential supplies are running low, will ensure that the hospitals are making the best use of their resources.

If you would like to implement voice assistants to go with your hospital management systems, contact us 

How voice assistants can make ...

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